
Minister: the Rev. Paul Wu

The Rev. Paul Wu is an ordained minister of the St. Giles Presbyterian Church, Ottawa. Before accepting the call to St Giles in 2021, he served the congregation of Taiwanese Robert Campbell Presbyterian Church in Montreal from 2007-2018. During that time, he was an active member of the Presbytery of Montreal, caring for various congregations, supervising certified students, and participating in camping ministries at Camp d’Action Biblique. He has supported the work of the Presbyterian College for a number of years, and has recently been appointed to the Board of Governors of the College, for a three-year term. He currently serves on the Mission Committee of the Presbytery of Ottawa, and participates in the Youth Working Group as well. Rev. Wu is deeply committed to congregational ministry and passionate about engaging young people to explore the Christian faith.  He is married to Daisy, and they have two boys — Justin and Neo.



Church Administrator/Bookkeeper: Rosemary Bann



Music Director: Heather Rice

(613) 563-1409